
Definition of
The Laramide Orogeny

Definition of The Laramide Orogeny

The Laramide Orogeny is a geologic event that occured over the course of 30 million years in the Late Cretacous /Early Tertiary Periods that uplifted the Colorado Plateau from the Cretatous Sea.  In essence The Laramide Orogeny is the birth of The Colorado Plateau.  It is understood that the uplift was caused by the subduction of the Farrallon Plate under the North American plate 1000 kilometers to the west.  This event also uplifted the Rocky Mountains and the western great plains. 

The Laramide Orogeny is responsible for many of the most famous geologic structures on the Colorado Plateau.   Normal fault blocking and monoclines were introduced into the geologic mix due to the rotation and twisting effect on the Colorado Plateau techtonic plate.  Later erosion of a mountain chain to the west and the ancestral Rockies to the east onto the surface of The Colorado Plateau and more recent uplift events have created the geologic wonderland that exists today. 

The latest uplift, 5 million years ago, intensified the original fault blocking that occured during The Laramide Orogney producing many of the cliff bands in the region like The Choclolate Cliffs, The Vermillion Cliffs, and The Pink Cliffs of The Grand Staircase.  Monoclines, like Comb Ridge, Capitol Reef and The San Rafael Reef were re-exposed due to erosion.  The Kaibab Plateau was uplifted over 8000 feet above sea level setting the stage for the down cutting and erosion that carved out the Grand Canyon by the Colorado River.  (No the 49ers did not dig out the Grand Canyon)

The Following Video provides a brief overview of The Laramide Orogeny
as it relates to the formation of The Colorado Plateau.


Watch Video
The Following graphic shows the subduction of the Farrallon Plate under the North American Plate
that occured during the The Laramide Orogeny forming The Colorado Plateau.

The Laramide Orogeny

The Following Links provide more information, graphics and definition for The Laramide Orogeny.
Written in Stone Blog - Grand Staircase article

Very good article with photos on the The Grand Staircase and touching on The Laramide Orogeny.

Written in Stone Blog - San Rafael Swell article

Very good article with photos on the The San Rafael Swell and touching on The Laramide Orogeny.

Written in Stone Blog - Henry Mountains article

Very good article with photos on the The Henry Mountains and touching on The Laramide Orogeny.

Map of The Colorado Plateau

Map of The Colorado Plateau
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